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WORKSHOP "VOICE-OVER FOR PERFORMERS" - Thursday March 5th (7:00pm-9:00pm) Education Center, University of New Orleans (Doors open 6:30).

From: Stephen J.
Sent on: Sunday, March 1, 2015, 10:44 AM

WORKSHOP "VOICE-OVER FOR PERFORMERS" - Thursday March 5th (7:00pm-9:00pm) Education Center, University of New Orleans (Doors open 6:30).

Whether you are an established or aspiring performer on-stage, on-screen, on-camera, or behind-the-mic, you will enjoy the fun, professional-yet-informal, and informative workshops atmosphere where you will improve your voice and gain valuable information that will help you to enhance your career. Work with scripts and discuss elements of the business in a group environment, supported and coached by experienced voice-over actor, coach, and agent, Stephen James.

The NOLA Voice Talent Foundation mid-week workshops are open to all, only $20.00, pay-on-the-night ($15.00 for registered Actors Choice Talent and Members of a current course at The Actors Alliance).

Full details and link to campus map at

Looking forward to seeing you..!

Best always,


Stephen James
Founder and Executive Director
The NOLA Voice Talent Foundation, Inc.

[address removed]

The NOLA Voice Talent Foundation is a not-for-profit incorporation which provides performers with affordable educational opportunities, as well as to use our talent to support the community. Full details of our workshop calendar, performers' resources, and educational programs at