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Video Courses at Foothill College

From: RJ W.
Sent on: Thursday, August 30, 2012, 5:02 PM
Greetings, Filmmakers! (And thanks to Brian for taking over!)

I'm teaching two online video courses at Foothill College for Fall Quarter--Digital Video Editing (VART 30) and Web Video (VART 51). Both courses are conducted through Etudes, an interactive instruction portal that enables streaming video, file sharing, discussion groups and personal messaging, among other features. Students can interact with each other or the instructor as much as they like.

For Digital Video Editing, I'll cover the basics of Final Cut and Premiere Pro, but you can use whatever program you like. This isn't just a software course though. I'll demonstrate how film grammar--the embedded language of camera angles and cuts-- informs all media we see, from feature films, TV and documentary to commercials and corporate video. With a project-based approach, we'll go through the techniques and practices of the profession.

Web Video focuses on production for the expanding world of streaming video. YouTube and Vimeo integrate seamlessly with Etudes, allowing for exploration of what works online, how to find your audience, and what the technical requirements are for best displaying your projects. The class functions as a laboratory for developing content to present on your own web channel.

Registration is already underway, and classes start September 24th. Early enrollment is advised, since Fall classes tend to fill quickly. Registration fees are $46 for the quarter ($11 of which is voluntary, another $10 can be waived if you live outside the district), plus $31 per class unit. What a deal! You can check the searchable Schedule of Classes for more information, or email me.


RJ Ward

Video Arts
Foothill College
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022