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New Meetup: GPC: Tunitas Creek

From: Drew
Sent on: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 1:43 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Berkeley Bicycling Meetup Group!

What: GPC: Tunitas Creek

When: Sunday, July 25,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Woodside Town Hall Parking Lot
2955 Woodside Rd
Woodside, CA 94062

I've done rides out this way before and the whole area is BEAUTIFUL. If you haven't been down there, take this opportunity to get out there and see some of what the great Bay Area has to offer.

This is a Grizzly Peak Cyclists (GPC) ride, and I will NOT be attending. All GPC rides are open to the public. This specific ride is marked as:

4/T/50 which means: hilly with a few steep hills, Touring pace (Touring: steady pace, fewer stops, for experienced riders), and 50 miles en total.

It would be a great idea to either carpool with other members of our group, or email the organizers and ask to carpool with one of them. The drive is a little ways, about 25 miles south of SF, so there's a toll in there too. Be sure to take down the cell numbers of the GPC organizers for this ride. Things always happen, and being able to call the organizers of the ride is important!

This ride should be similar to the Old La Honda ride which I've done before. ridewithgps Old La Honda

A link to the start of the ride: google maps

Good luck, Have fun!

Here is the copy paste from their website:
Sun Jul 25 4/T/50 Tunitas Creek from Woodside
They say TOON-ee-tas has been repaved, let's go see. Meet at Woodside Town Hall parking lot at 9:00 a.m. for a 9:15 start. Ride up, across Skyline, and then down Old La Honda to 84 and Pescadero Road. Lunch in Pescadero (artichoke bread, yum), then up Old Stage Road, short jaunt on Highway 1, up Tunitas Creek, and down King's Mountain back to Woodside. Emily Kenyon (<mlekenyon at gmail dot com>) and David Lipsky (<delipsky at yahoo dot com>) (510)[masked]

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