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See You Tomorrow Night!

From: Adam R.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 8:29 AM

Friends and Colleagues,

Dress warm and come celebrate tomorrow night with your BioBeers compatriots the four week countdown till the arrival of spring!

We are also pleased to announce Hippo Health as our official Platinum Double-Helix Sponsor of this event, which means suds on the Hippo! Hippo Health also needs your input! Please Take this 5 question survey to help them out. Three of you fine people will receive six months of Hippo Help's service, absolutely free.

Remind me, what is Hippo Health?

Say you've got a chest cold that just won't go away. The Hippo Health app allows you talk, text or video chat with a doctor who can then diagnose, write a prescription and care plan, or provide a referral if necessary. No waiting rooms, no co-pays.

Please take a minute to let us know how you feel - how you really, really feel - about product pricing for our subscription service by completing the ultra-short, super-fast survey.

  • The survey takes about 1 minute to complete
  • Your feedback helps us improve
  • And when you sign up for Hippo Health BioBeers members receive 3 months free using the code BioBeers. Sign up here.


DeepBiome is seeking a hands on synthetic biologist for various microbial engineering projects.You will culture, identify, and genetically manipulate newly isolated microbes from the human microbiome using cutting-edge technologies. Qualifications include: A PhD in bioengineering, molecular biology, microbiology, or a related biological sciences degree or MSc degree with 4+ years of experience in the biotechnology industry. A meticulous, innovative, and self-motivated scientist with a strong desire to develop a revolutionary drug discovery platform for accelerating identification of novel therapeutic candidates. Competitive salary and benefits. To apply: Please send resume to [address removed]

Finally, we are only two members shy of 1,500!!! Will you please help us achieve this milestone by sharing the link with your friends and colleagues along with a little nudge to click the *JOIN* button? Thank you!

BioBeers ... Where Great Minds Drink Alike!

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