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Picnic. ITS ON!

From: Malcus R.
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2012, 11:03 PM

Hi All;

There will be an advance party there who will hopefully secure the site between the 'active oval' and the aquatic center. Please see the map attached.

Bring whatever you need to be comfortable and have fun. Bring whatever food you would like, and perhaps a bit extra to share with any good people you might meet. I will have a few barbeque plates for sale as a fundraiser for ABEST. Donation $15. The park does not allow alcohol, etc... Also I did notice a refreshment area at the nearby Acquatic center. I'm not sure what they sell.

There are only a few  tables in the area we have chosen, so a lawn chair, blanket, etc. might be appropriate. I think someone has volunteered to bring and play some music, but you might want to come prepared just in case you prefer something different. We are near the sports fields. I saw a group playing kickball on one of the fields yesterday. That could be and interesting, all inclusive game....

I'm prepared to see what the group comes up with...

See you there.


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