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New Meetup: NYC Bookcrossing September Meetup

From: Tami
Sent on: Monday, August 30, 2010, 8:35 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The NYC Bookcrossing Meetup!

What: NYC Bookcrossing September Meetup

When: Wednesday, September 22,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)


August meetup was great at Art Bar. Many people mentioned the location was convenient. if you know of another place in the area, please let me know. Good people, good conversation, great number of books. That is what you can expect from this event.

I have put a $1 change per event up, you can pay in advance via paypal or you can pay at the event. This is just to help reimburse the meetup fee that is paid to keep the group going. Hope September 29th is another great book crossing event.

This event should run from 7pm until 9pm. I know some people have come late to the crossing events. I just want to be sure if you are coming you know when it will probably end.


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