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Melted Server + NYE Tix = :o & Weekend Sale

From: Matt A.
Sent on: Friday, December 26, 2014, 6:24 PM

I must apologize, Murphy's Law
has struck again!

If you tried to get a NYE ticket
in the past 24 hours and couldn't,
we've been getting so much
traffic the sever hosting my site 
couldn't handle it!

So the server melted and
tickets were unavailable for 
part of last night and today.

We're still working on getting
the site back up and running.
Hopefully that happens soon!

Therefore NYE tickets have
been moved to Eventbrite.


But hurry, they're gonna go
faster than the Roadrunner
through a Wiley E Coyote trap!

I hope you all have enjoyed
the holidays… :)

All my best,

~Matt Adams