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New Meetup: Walker Ranch

From: Dave
Sent on: Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 12:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Boulder Beginner/Intermediate Mountain Bikers!

What: Walker Ranch

When: August 22,[masked]:30 AM

Walker Ranch Park
Flagstaff Rd
Boulder, CO 80302

Meet up to ride Walker Ranch. I haven't ridden this in a few years, but I remember it kicking my but pretty good. It's a eight mile loop and I think it's one of the harder trails in Boulder, but it is gorgeous and fun. It will probably take between 2 - 3 hours for a group to ride. I recall there's some technical stuff I had to walk, and there's one part where there are stairs that run down to the river where you'll need to carry your bike.

Remember to arrive 10-15 minutes early so we can start right at 8:30am.

Here's a map.

Directions and Description from

Directions: In Boulder, use Flagstaff Rd. @ Chatauqua park go about 6 or 7 miles. Has A small dirt road on left (south) side to reach trailhead. Watch for cyclists climbing Flagstaff Rd.

From Golden, go north on Hwy 93 to Coal Creek Canyon dr. (Hwy 72) take a left and go approx 8mi to Gross Dam rd on the right, road may not be marked but it is ~.5mi past the Boulder County sign. Take a very sharp right onto this dirt rd (nearly 180deg) and go 2.7mi to the Crescent Meadow parking lot on the right, just past the railroad tracks.

Description: Single and double track, loop, variable terrain, cliff conditions so you need to dismount in one spot. Fast changing weather. Occasional joggers + horses. Average Ride under 2 hours. Is a great ride in either direction.

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