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New Meetup: Brule Lake Trail "Sledding Party"

From: Luc Y.
Sent on: Friday, December 18, 2009, 4:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Friends of BWCA Trails!

What: Brule Lake Trail "Sledding Party"

When: January 15,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $25.00 per person

Brule Lake
Brule Lake Road
Grand Marais, MN 55604

Do you like snow shoeing? Would you like to experience Minnesota's North Shore in winter? Are you looking to hone your winter camping skills? Have you ever wanted to drink hot Jell-O? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the trip for you! It may be cold and snowy outside but here at the BWAC we know that there is still plenty that we can do for our trails. That is why we are going back to the Brule Lake Trail on January 15 through 17 for the next installment of the "Put the Red Dot on the Map" campaign.

This three day excursion into the wilderness of Northern Minnesota is not for the faint of heart or weak of body. Our task will be to transport a fire grate and, possibly, a latrine by sled from the Forest Service cabin at Brule Lake to the newly cleared campsite at Fishhook Lake along the Brule Lake Trail. This trip will be both highly demanding and highly rewarding.

On Thursday night participants will carpool to the North Shore and stay at a yet-to-be-determined establishment as they prepare for the trek into the wilderness.

On Friday we will leave our cars where the snow plow stops along the Brule Lake Road and continue on foot using snowshoes to the Forest Service cabin at Brule Lake. This will be 5 miles of breaking trail through uncertain snow conditions. Our reward for this arduous trek will be a heated cabin to sleep in at night.

On Saturday the real work begins; which is transporting the fire grate. That equates to three miles of breaking trail through deep snow and hauling a 40+ pound hunk of metal on a sled through uneven terrain. After depositing our payload we will return to the Forest Service cabin for another cozy night.

On Sunday we will snow shoe back to our cars from the cabin, a distance of about five miles, and return to our homes.

Participants for this trip will need to be excellent physical condition. All participants will be required to attend a training snow-shoe/hike before the trip on a to-be-determined date. All participants must have adequate gear for winter travel in the wilderness. This includes snowshoes although these can be rented if you do not own your own pair. The rental, however, is the responsibility of the participant.

The cost of gas for the carpool will be split between the passengers. You will be responsible for your own meals.

Registration and fee payment will be made electronically through Meetup and is required in advance. Registration needs to be completed by Friday, January 8. No late registrations will be accepted.

In addition, all participants will be required to sign a liability waiver and photo release form prior to the trip.

See what it is like in last year's photo essay.

Learn more here: