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48 Hours to create a startup for social good!

From: Trevor L.
Sent on: Saturday, March 9, 2013, 10:10 AM
Hi everybody!

I thought I'd share with my fellow CocoaHeads and invite you to apply for an upcoming event called Social Startup 48 (

SS48 is an event where passionate and like-minded people come together for 48 hours to build and launch startup enterprises that create a positive social impact. 

Participants will include business folks, marketing gurus, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and more. Teams will focus on a social issue and work together to develop the business plan and strategy required to solve it. 

Along the way, teams have the opportunity to build networks and learn new skills. Mentors will also be available to share wisdom while guest speakers deliver talks that inspire. 

The event is extremely cheap at only $70 and this covers you for the whole weekend, including talks, mentors, networking, dinners, snacks, tea and coffee. 

SS48 takes place on 12-14 April. Applications close on Friday 22 March. For more information, check out

Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions about the event!


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