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CC Riders Club Donation to Sgt Baldwin Memorial Fund

From: Robert L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 6:57 PM

I am pleased to report that through the generosity of the members of our Club, Colorado Cruising Riders, LLC, donated $310.00 to the Sgt Baldwin Memorial Fund, today, February 12, 2014. The donation was made at the Key Bank branch in Broomfield and consisted of $210.00 in proceeds from the February 50/50 drawing and donations from individual members, and a $100.00 donation from the Club's treasury. The memorial fund was created to benefit Sgt. Baldwin's family. Thank you for being so generous.


Sgt. Baldwin was a guest speaker at the Club's monthly meeting on July 8, 2013 where he gave an impressive and memorable presentation on motorcycle safety. As a professional motorcycle officer and off-duty cycle enthusiast of many years, his deferential manner in explaining techniques of avoidance and in recounting local statistics on roads familiar to most members was instructive and helpful.


We are grateful to have shared his knowledge and experience, and we mourn his loss while in the line of duty. While there is great sorrow in acknowledging his loss, let us remember the sweetness of his life and the special way in which he touched us.