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(1/21) - FREE WEBINAR - Selecting and Managing the Best Lifecycle for your Project, Team & Solution

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, January 4, 2010, 9:48 PM


Projects don’t fit into the nice definitions found in project management books. Your schedules are generally off. There are always unkind surprises. Although you’re not failing, you feel you could be more successful.    You have many possibilities to make your project rock and roll.

Learn how to take a more pragmatic approach to choosing and using the best lifecycle for your project…

You can use an iterative lifecycle to explore prototypes — You can use an incremental lifecycle to start checking features off as done — You can use an agile lifecycle that allows for more adaptability — You can use a combination lifecycles.

If you select and manage the lifecycle that makes sense for your project, team, and solution, you can start and keep the project in balance. Let something get out of whack and you can kiss all your hard work goodbye.


·        what each lifecycle looks like

·        which risks each lifecycle addresses

·        how to combine lifecycles for the best way to start managing risk

PDUs:  1


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