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New Meetup: Small Group Session - For Reviewing and Discussing your Screenplay

From: Mike A.
Sent on: Friday, September 3, 2010, 2:20 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Chicagoland Screenwriters Meetup Group!

What: Small Group Session - For Reviewing and Discussing your Screenplay

When: Monday, September 20,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $2.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

This small group session is for reviewing, discussing and critiquing treatments and plot synopsis.
Have you already written "pages" and are looking to get feedback and critiques? Here's your chance.


We'll start by reading your pages aloud, with participants taking roles. This will allow you to hear your words aloud (maybe for the first time).We'll then share constructive critiques that you can consider as you push your screenwriting project forward.

If you'd like to join us, I propose the following simple guidelines:

1. Critique the work (not the writer). A healthy screenwriting discussion focuses on the screenplay, not the screenwriter. Please understand this all-important rule.
2. Check your ego. Many screenwriters have a tendency of taking critiques personally. When you come, please understand that we encourage honest sharing of opinions. The critiques, however, are about your work -- not you. Please keep that in mind when you start feeling defensive.
3. Be on time. We hope to give you a variety and multitude of critiques. Please extend the same courtesy to everyone else by arriving a little early. [Remember Vince Lombardi's rule about being on time.] This same rule is also why you should commit to stay for the entire time, so that you don't come off as selfish. For our part, we will try to keep everything running on schedule.
4. Page limit. With two hours and a full contingent, we'll only have 20 minutes per person. Please limit yourself to only five (5) pages.
5. Bring six additional copies. Because we'll be reading your pages aloud, please bring six additional copies of your pages when you come. Double-sided and printing on scrap paper are definitely welcome.
Please don't let the fee deter you. If you can't afford it, come any way. The fee will be used to offset some of the cost of the Meetup (yes, does charge organizers). Any surplus will go toward our end-of-the-year party. But it's a donation request.

Finally, please note this session is limited to only 5 participants (plus the organizer). Please do NOT rsvp unless you're sure you'll be attending -- and participating. If many people are interested, we may expand the invite and splinter off into two groups. If we are full and you are interested, please let me know.

Thanks, and see you there!

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