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New Meetup: The Sheltering Sky

From: Arlinda S.
Sent on: Monday, June 29, 2009, 4:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Classic Books!

What: The Sheltering Sky

When: July 19,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $2.25 per person

Where: Algiers Coffee House
40 Brattle St
Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA, 02138 (617)[masked]

The Sheltering Sky is an oft forgotten classic. It is the intensely fascinating story of three American travelers adrift in the desert of postwar North Africa. As they find themselves further into this arid heart of darkness, the veneer of their lives starts to peel back under the author's psychological inquiry. The real changes take place in the minds of the characters who must face an immensity of experience they cannot even hope to understand much less prepare themselves for. Paul Bowles, himself a consummate traveler and connoisseur of the Arab world, explores the limits of humanity when it touches the unfathomable emptiness and impassive cruelty of the desert.

Here is some praise for the book:

"[The Sheltering Sky] is one of the most original, even visionary, works of fiction to appear in this century." -- --Tobias Wolff

"It stands head and shoulders above most other novels published in English since World War II." -- --The New Republic

I hope that you will join us for the discussion!

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