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Intensifying the 5MM

From: David R.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 3:40 AM

Here's advice to take the 5MM technique to a new level. Practice this for five minutes every other day, and your unconscious competence with the 5MM will skyrocket! Versions of this exercise can be found in Chito-Ryu karate and yoga. A version of it is being sold on the web for about fifty dollars! Here it is for free...

1) Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed directly forward.
2) Relax your shoulders. Let your your arms hang at your sides. Inhale through your nose, while touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
3) Inhale as deeply as you can, filling your lungs. As you do, hold your abdominal muscles tight--don't let them expand.
4) When you have filled your lungs, close your mouth and tighten your throat. Force the air out, making a "hissing sound". Contract the stomach muscles tightly, driving that air out with all the strength you've got. Clench your fists and exert more power.
5) You can make this more martial-arts specific by making a "pulling" motion with your arms on the inhale, and a "pushing" motion with the exhale.
6) Perform this exercise for five minutes. You may feel dizzy the first time you try it... it is a bear!

The 5MM is a stress-busting, stomach-flattening, energizing powerhouse of a technique that can change your life. We've only scratched the surface of what you can do once you begin the habit of "checking in" with your body five times a day.

-Steve Barnes,