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Re: [Critical-thinkers-skeptics] Atheist T-shirts You'll love.

From: Michael
Sent on: Sunday, August 26, 2012, 3:39 PM
On 8/26/2012 2:50 PM, Neal Gallagher wrote:
I don't subscribe to the view that all opinions are equally worthy

For example, people who believe that a being, outside of the natural world, who intercedes in our affairs, do indeed deny the basis of science. I don't respect that.

These same people often voice hate towards others, be they homosexuals, or people who practice birth control.

People who base their world view on the writings of Bronx age nomadic sheep herders do not deserve my time or tolerance.

I guess I am a militant atheist - LOL

So rendering the views of billions as useless and intolerable is a wise move and the greatest minds in history from Confucius to Einstein should be ignored?

Your opinion is a teaching moment! 

I value all....even yours!

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