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Come out and show diversity and community of atheists

From: Jason
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 12:37 PM

We are just about two weeks away from two major events for WASH. The first is an opportunity to show nontheist charity and solidarity for Leukemia Oct 20th in Reston. The second is an opportunity to show the general public we have a large, young, and exciting community with sex-positivity and women's empowerment Oct 14h in Alexandria (by the metro). Invite friends and theists. Guys should come and learn something as well.

RSVP for both at the Meetup page:

The first event is hosting Jill McDevitt, PhD, doctor of sexology, with a sex-positive, women-positive store, show, and book called "The Crusade Against Sex". This is a great event not only for us but for the entire community. This is the time to invite friends out. We've got about 20 signed up, but we should have 100 at a general-interest topic with an outside speaker in a great venue. I hope people throughout the area can come out. This is Oct 14th at Zikrayet in Alexandria, an open, comfortable, and inviting venue.

We are also just over 2 weeks away from the Reston, VA Light The Night Walk for Leukemia research on Saturday, October 20. WASH, in all of our humanist glory, has raised $250 from two people. We can do better. Click here to see FAQs for the Northern Virginia Walk! Go here to donate to our effort, and I hope you can walk as well. Let's show ethical atheism with service and sacrifice, not just intellectualism and debates.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Jason, WASH NVC Organizer, DC Atheists event assistant

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