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Entrepreneurs welcome at the Social Entrepreneurship event of the year...

From: user 1.
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010, 22:07
The Geneva Forum on Social Change kicks off on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 May 2010.  This year's theme is Grassroots Innovation:  Growing Business for Social Change.  

Entrepreneurs - this is your chance to participate in this incredible event where business and social output combine.

The event is FREE and features amazing documentary films, thought-provoking panel discussion, interactive workshops, exhibitions and more all focussing on aspects of Social Entrepreneurship.

The event has 6 focus areas:

New Media: Planting the Seeds of Social Innovation
Responsible Supply Chains: Beyond Fair Trade
Sustainable Business Models: Beyond CSR
Social Entrepreneurs of the Future
Scaling Up: Growing Grassroots Business
Social Financing: The Roots of Social Change
You will find all the information on this event and a link to register to attend at

Please join me and other social entrepreneurs at the Geneva Forum on Social Change.

Fiona Setchell
Communications, GFSC 2010

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18,50 CHF ONE-TIME* Joining Fee

Einbezogen: Once only joining fee. *Members must attend a minimum of 2 events per year.

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  • PayPal
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  • In the unlikely event that after attending your first Networking you realize it is not for you, we offer a "no questions asked" refund. You must attend your first event within 2 months of joining the group to be eligible for a refund.