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From: John M.
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 24. November 2015, 16:52

Hello All!

For those German speakers among you interested in learning more about Patent & Trademark strategy in a pleasant, relaxing setting, please join us in a centuries old courtroom in the 8 centuries old Rathaus in Arbon (15 min from St. Gallen), on the Bodensee, on December 15th, at 4PM, for three hours of discussion on the subject.   My colleague Dr. Walter Maiwald and I will be the speakers.   This means you'll be hearing from IP attorneys who've been invited to speak at conferences by the European Commision, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Swiss Patent Office, IMD, the German Patent Office, the European Patent Office, and several Universities, as well as from the founder of the fastest growing IP firm in Germany, now 200 strong.

Those members of the Zurich Area IP Meetup who RSVP "yes" by the 3rd of December, and who come, will enjoy a complimentary seat, assuming that seats are available.  Kindly do not RSVP "yes" and then not come because we will incur costs based on the number of RSVPs.

More information is available at the below website.

I look forward to seeing you at this event!

Best regards,

John Moetteli, Esq.

International Patent & Trademark Attorney-at-law




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