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Call for Presenters @ Sep 12th SF Demo Night

From: user 7.
Sent on: Monday, September 9, 2013, 10:12 PM

Dear Founders & Developers,

SF Entrepreneurs is looking for presenters for our Sep 12th SF Demo Night event, a community designated to help developers to become successful Entrepreneurs.

Demo: your product at world's largest Mobile Entrepreneurs community, in the heart of Silicon Valley!

Win: the App of Month voted by the members of our Entrepreneurs community.

Meetup Details:

When: 6pm, Sept 12th

Where: People & Culture

128 King Street(close to Caltrain and Muni ), San Francisco, CA

==== Agenda ====

6PM Networking

6:30PM Opening & Introduction

6:35PM Opening Remark

6:45PM App Demos

Welcome product for Android, iOS, WP, HTML5, Facebook, Chrome, and Cloud.

If you're interested in presenting at this event, pls submit an application form to request a slot.

Best Regards,

SVE Team