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FW: 2 Job Annoucements

From: Ryan H.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 4:50 PM



Please see the attached 2 job listings as well as additional comments below for each. 


1.  Business Manager - Here is the job posting for a manager to run the front office of an auto parts salvage yard near Austin.  They would love to hire a veteran who has management experience.  They have several locations and are expanding, so it’s a great industry and this is a great family owned company.


2.  Logistics Manager - This position is a work-from-home with travel so it can be located anywhere.  The company prefers to hire someone who is near one of their three hubs, which are in Louisville, KY; Greensboro, NC; or East St Louis, IL.  However, they are open to other areas for the right candidate.  The logistics experience gained in the military can be very valuable for a position of this type, especially if they also are familiar with any of the technology in commercial use currently.


If you or someone you know is interested, please send me a resume and I will get it to the hiring manager.   Please note, NEITHER OF THESE ARE LOCAL POSITIONS so with that said, if you know of any veterans in any of these areas, please do not hesitate to forward to them to gauge possible interest.


Thank you.


Semper Fi,



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6060 N. Central Expy I Suite 602 I Dallas TX 75206

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