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Re: [DinnerAndAMovieAustin] Celebration!!

From: barbara
Sent on: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 7:44 PM
Impressive!!  Congratulations!

On Jun 5, 2013, at 5:57 PM, Matt wrote:

Hey Guys!

Just wanted to share with you an exciting personal achivement of mine. The company I own, Austin Visuals Animation Studio just completed a Commercial for MSI ( A global Laptop Manufacturer ) This commercial is already being shown to a global Audience and this is our biggest Commercials we've made to date! I just wanted to share the excitement with you. This video kinda looks like Star Trek..


Here is the Commercial Enjoy. ---->

- Matt

President / CEO
Austin Visuals 3D Animation Studio &
Speed Friending Events

P.S....In other news, I have an exciting line up of events for you next month. And I'll be giving away from free prizes next month! Stay Tuned!


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