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New Meetup: CFI-DC September Drinking Skeptically

From: Center for Inquiry D.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 1:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for CFI-DC Drinking Skeptically!

What: CFI-DC September Drinking Skeptically

When: September 16,[masked]:30 AM

Mr Henry's
601 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003

Drinking Skeptically is an informal social event designed to promote fellowship and networking among skeptics, critical-thinkers, and like-minded individuals.

Drinking Skeptically provides an opportunity for skeptics to talk, share ideas (and yes, drink) in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. We discuss the issues of the day and whatever else is on our minds. But most of all, we have fun while promoting skepticism, science, and rationality.

Don't drink? Don't let that stop you from joining us! Some of the world's most famous skeptics are teetotallers, and we are happy to have you!

Remember that drinking skeptically means drinking responsibly. If there's one thing science has taught us, it's the effects of alcohol on the human body.

Takes place the third Wednesday of every month - 6:30pm-8:30pm.

Check out other CFI-DC events at

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