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Sr Drupal Developer/Architect 2 - 3 month contract

From: Adam
Sent on: Monday, September 13, 2010, 11:22 AM

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!  If you are interested in this job please send a word copy of your resume to [address removed].   We also offer a 500 dollar referral fee if we hire someone you refer.





The client is currently on Drupal, using 3rd part hosted Commerce solution.  Need to assess current arch (LAMP), then pulling their biz req's (including direct B2C/B online which they don't have currently).  Need someone with strong eCommerce stack experience.  We need someone who is familiar with all facets of an ecomm program (site, fulfillment, order mgmt, integration into ERP) and can help make decisions for how our client should implement these capabilities.  We need a strong e-comm consultant.



Adam Brookins

Managing Partner

[address removed]

O: [masked]

C: [masked]

F: [masked]



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