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From: Julia S.
Sent on: Thursday, April 5, 2012, 9:51 PM

Hi there,

We are just coming up to the summer - so a great opportunity to meet -up

We try to keep the events reasonably low cost and do try and take advantage of national trust properties as a number of us have membership. 

I have not posted many events lately as (finally) I have obtained a day job - so a couple of things - 

  1. I will definitely get some suggested meet-ups posted
  2. if you have any ideas please post them, I bet someone would love to do it with you

Because (as you probably know) I have two daughters - I am going to be a little more limited to the weekends they are not with me - as I will now see them much less in the week. So any other postings are great thank you.

Thank you to everyone who has been to events, if you haven't yet - maybe give it a go - we are mostly harmless.

Meanwhile - Second Saturday Supper Group at mine on the 14th - if you have not tried it - it's a baragin for a fiver


Julia x


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