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FW: [webcms-53] Are we going to have a Joomla! Meetup about Joomla?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 11:20 pm
Great  comments Geoff &  Craig - and everybody else ! ! ! !

This is what we are all about folks!


There is enough business out there for all of us, so we are not really
competing - let's continue to help one another, in the true spirit of the
User Group !

It is a delight to see how everybody is happy to help where possible.


Congratulations to those who had the vision for Joomla itself (Andrew Eddie
et all !

We appreciate all of the effort that go into each monthly get-together at
The Pineapple - not ideal location, but let's work on it!


Congratulations to Peter Dowse for taking the initiative to crank this group


I have to agree with Geoff and Craig regarding the specifics of Joomla
itself !


If it helps, my suggestion for a venue would be to look at the meeting
facilities at The Irish Club (SURPRISE !) in Elizabeth Street - more central
! ! !

......and I do have contacts there !

We would have privacy upstairs - away from the pub atmosphere.

They can provide the usual conference facilities - video projection, audio
etc. etc.

I'm happy to negotiate if you want me to !


Best regards,




John Wilson,


T. John Wilson & Associates Pty Ltd

Tel: (07)[masked]


  <https://www.linked...;­ Link_to_LinkedIn


email:   [address removed] <mailto:[address removed]>   







Obviously, they can provide conference fscilitid

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Geoff
Sent: Wednesday, 16 May[masked]:34 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [webcms-53] Are we going to have a Joomla! Meetup about Joomla?


Good comment Craig, thanks.  I'm more interested in understanding the ins
and outs of Joomla itself in this particular group.


Perhaps a presentation on Joomla architecture for those who aren't
programmers but need to get into the code sometimes.  For example, I have a
media background, not a programming, and often have to struggle through the
code to work out what's going on in tweaking a template, or creating
overrides.  Would anyone else be interested in this?


Thanks also to Peter for co-ordinating the meetings.  I was at the first
meeting at the Pineapple, but it didn't seem to lend itself to the type of
meeting I was expecting.  It was hard to hear and poor seating arrangements.
Is there a more traditional, quieter conference room available there with a
less pub-like atmosphere?


Sorry, don't mean to be negative.  Hopefully constructive!


Kind regards,



Geoff Robertson

 <https://www.experi...;­ experiencemedia

Tel. 61 [masked]
Brisbane Qld Australia



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