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Re: [webcms-53] Inactive members

From: Kelsey B.
Sent on: Friday, 17 May 2013, 7:08 am
Hi Jeff,

Do you define inactive as not participating in these group emails or not making it to real-world meetups?

I'd like to stay on with the group as I've been moderately active on the email list over the years, but have never made it to a meetup.



On 17 May[masked]:14, Jeff J Wilson <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi All BJUG Members,


It was discussed at the last meeting, and agreed that anyone who has not been active in the group in the last two years be dropped from the group and free to join again when they feel they would like to meetup. If this is someone who feels they should remain a member then please email me regarding this so that I can leave you there if there is a reason.




Jeff Wilson

Customer Relationships

[address removed]




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