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Re: [webdesign-429] Advertising/Social Media Person

From: Chetan P
Sent on: Tuesday, 4 November 2014, 4:26 pm
Hello Edgar.

This is Chetan and we can provide solution for Corporate identity, Branding, Brochure design & Social media marketing.

Do you want the Onsite Freelancer or Remote would work. We can provide remote services and if that is fine then we can discuss more in detail.

Best Regards,
Chetan Patel
Skype: Chetso89

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 8:22 AM, Edgar Pisani <[address removed]> wrote:

I'm the web developer of a company that manufactures kitchen doors in Brisbane.

They are looking for a freelance person or an advertising agency that can help them develop the following:
  • Corporate identity
  • Brand awareness and development for 2 or possibly 3 lines of products
  • Manage their social media
  • Help them create product brochures
If you do a Google search there are millions of results. Just wondering if anyone knows someone that has done a great job for them.

Edgar Pisani
On Q Web

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