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RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Creating a form - getting check boxes to align left

From: Gal B.
Sent on: Friday, 21 November 2014, 10:46 am

Just put those lines of CSS (you can remove the comment) into the theme's style.css (the bottom is best) or any custom CSS field provided in the theme options.



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Kate
Sent: Thursday, 20 November[masked]:50 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Creating a form - getting check boxes to align left


Thanks so much for your attention Gal. Despite your very clear remedy I just can't seem to work out how to apply it. 

I've put the query to the group again but also messaged my web guy so I'm sure I'll get it sorted out sometime soon. 


Lovely that the recital went so well for your son!




Sent from my iPhone

On 20 Nov 2014, at 7:17 pm, Gal Baras <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Kate,


Sorry, been watching my son ace his Year 3 recital at the Con.  You're right that for others to be able to see pages, they must be published, or those others must have a way to log into your site.


To be a bit more specific with your issue, you should override the 92% width setting for checkboxes with this:


Input[type="checkbox"] {

    width: auto; /* or whatever seems to work best */







From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Jason Chipperfield
Sent: Thursday, 20 November[masked]:59 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Creating a form - getting check boxes to align left



input > width:92%


That’s your problem.


Jason Chipperfield
refresh interactive

E: [address removed]


On 20 Nov 2014, at 5:51 pm, Sofia Woods <[address removed]> wrote:


Het Kate - can you let us know how you're creating the form,  are you using a plugin for this form or is it a 'contact form' template?

This will help with working out how to solve the issue.


Warm Regards

SOFIA WOODS | Creative Director

Shortie Designs

Web Design :: Digital Strategies :: Training & Consultation
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On 20/11/2014, at 5:29 PM, Dave Higgins wrote:


As Gal said.. This is not really a "Wordpress" problem, but a design issue based in your theme/plugin/css.

Have  you got a developer working with you?  or did you do the site yourself?


On 20/11/2014 4:35 PM, Kate wrote:

Oops, sorry about the mistake with etiquette. And Wordpress.

I presume the page needs to be published in order for the URL to work so I've just done that (bit premature though).

You'll see the checkboxes half way down the page.
If anyone is willing to help me align them left so that the text rights itself that'd be wonderful!

Many thanks,


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From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Creating a form - getting check boxes to align left
Date: Thu, 20 Nov[masked]:44:39 -0500

Hi Kate,


This is not a WordPress questions.  It's related to front end development (HTML/CSS).  Also, when you start a discussion, it's best to start it clean, without other people's messages in it.


Having said that, we're helpful folk and will probably be a lot more helpful with the URL of the page in questions.






From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Kate
Sent: Thursday, 20 November[masked]:29 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [WordPress-Brisbane] Creating a form - getting check boxes to align left


Hi there,
I haven't checked in with this group before. Is it okay just to jump in with a question?
It's a pretty basic one so I'll throw it out there.

I'm trying to create a form (for a competition entry). Mostly I've used the 'single line text' options to collect details. But in one section I've chosen the 'checkboxes'. For the life of me I can't get them to align left. They insist on aligning down the middle and throwing the text out to either side.
What have I missed?
Any help much appreciated.


Kate Henderson  
Love and Relationship Coaching

Kinesiology Bodywork

Mob  [masked]
Skype  amazonkate

"Don't be afraid to be the one who loves the most."


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