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RE: [php-46] Snr Software Engineer Wanted - 70-90k per annum.

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, 23 April 2010, 12:14 pm

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [php-46] Snr Software Engineer Wanted - 70-90k per annum.
Date: Thu, 22 Apr[masked]:18:17 -0400


Fellow Nerds,

One of my clients is looking for an inhouse snr software engineer (Brisbane based - Milton). This is a great paying job for the right candidate.


If you know someone - or yourself are interested, please let me know asap since this job will fill pretty quickly at that pay grade!

Required Technical Skills

1. 5+ years full time experience with PHP Scripting Language (in an Object Orientated manner)
2. Solid understanding of SQL, in particular the MySQL database engine.
3. Solid understanding of Javascript, AJAX and DHTML Paradigms.
4. Extremely competent in HTML.
5. Proven development of commercial/enterprise applications.

Skills that would be considered a bonus.

1. Experienced with graphic design, user interface design.
2. Experience with PDF generation using something like FPDF or similar.


Please email me - [address removed] if you would like more info.




John Christian


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