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Upcoming workshops for this weekend [June 30th - July 2nd, 2017]

From: Brisbane P.
Sent on: Thursday, 29 June 2017, 10:11 am

Hi Friends,

We have the following workshops organised for the up coming weekend:

1. Friday, June 30th, 7.00 PM: Fridays Social - Photographers Meetup at Pig & Whistle - Riverside (Free Social Event)

2. Saturday, July 1st, 8.00 AM: DSLR Photography for Beginners - Getting Started! at City Botanical Gardens.

3. Sunday Jul 2nd, 9.00 AM: Natural Light Portrait Photography Workshop - City Botanic Gardens : We have a gorgeous model - Bree Jayne (@_breejayne) booked in for the shoot, so do consider signing up.


At Brisbane Photographic, we are working hard to bring you access to the very best Photography meetups, cool events, and exclusive workshops, so stay tuned!



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