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Re: [gctechspace] Camera options

From: Nick H.
Sent on: Wednesday, 26 October 2011, 7:25 pm
Anyone played with opencv yet?

Sent from my iPad

On 26/10/2011, at 6:44 PM, David B <[address removed]> wrote:

I've got an old box with zoneminder and 3 camera feeds (2 x CCTV and 1 x USB).
Happy to donate it as the setup has been replaced - but I wont be available until mid Dec. 
It worked ok - a *very* basic setup that provided motion logging and web based streaming.
I wouldn't trust it as a main video system (cheap capture cards overheat easily) but it would be perfect for additional video coverage or general tinkering. 

Anywho I can bring that topic up again in December if it's still required. 


On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 13:59, Matthew Sherborne <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey guys, 

Regarding cameras, both for security and for 'fun'.

I was thinking maybe just to get this one first:

You can log in and control it with Internet Exploder, an iPhone app and an Android app.

It has a built in web server and what not and uses wifi.

The range isn't that great, so it'd probably only really pick up the quarter of the space that we were in.

Just ignore the prices for now :)


For a techspace project, I'd like to investigate making a DVR using raspberry pi. Once that's possible, or once we get some valuable stuff in there,

maybe mounting this in one of the corners pointing at the door would be good, maybe two of them (one for the back door).

It has a 30 meter range and infrared, but needs a DVR and some cabling. I'm thinking of plugging this into Raspberry Pi:

and some external hard disk (also via USB) to record to. There's lots of Linux software for doing the actual motion capture sensing and all that.

Also a lot of moveable camera mounts and cameras support RS485 for control of the camera, focus, zoom, and lots of things like that. Hopefully the pins on the Raspberry Pi can handle that. Some DVRs support 'patrolling'. I don't know of any that support tracking movement though .. that'd be a neat feature :)

My plan is to make a commercial replacement for expensive, closed source DVRs like this one:


Comments / suggestions welcome :)

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