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From: Ben M.
Sent on: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 11:11 pm
Just thought I'd throw these out there as a grouping of some of the
stuff I've been surfing around. Ah... comments provided under the GPL...
some things might not be 100% correct since its mostly from memory..

$170 Cubox, very similar CPU to the OLPC 3, different GPU:

spini do some other models too, including the ~120$ sheeva.

$100 Beagle Bone, comes with arduino like headers

$265 AMD based low power NAS (should idle around 20W)

Trimslice, Tegra in a box.

Pandaboards look nice, but only sport a 10/100 nic...

QNAP with 2ghz CPU (512mb ram)... very nice looking but quite
expensive... apparently one can install debian and go from there.

A bit more hands on that the raspii...

There is also a company in Lithuania doing some nice low level boards,
but they are beyond my "software guy" experience.

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