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New Gold Coast TechSpace Working Bee

From: Steve D.
Sent on: Thursday, 18 October 2012, 12:49 pm
Hi All

After a couple of months searching and a few disappointments we've finally signed a contract on a new Gold Coast TechSpace on Nind St, Southport! We are currently waiting on the new property to be cleaned and Air-Conditioning to be inspected but we hope to settle the new property tomorrow. Our lease on the current place expires very soon so we will need to get cracking on getting the new space right away.

This is where we need your help.

We are planning to paint the place on Saturday and will start moving some things over on Sunday. For the painting on Saturday we need:

- Willing helpers! Please no spectators - we need everyone to muck in
- Paint - we are looking at painting the entire space plain White. The co-working space is going to look pretty funky but this will all be through furniture, art and accessories - the walls will be white as we need as much light as possible. We need

Steve Dalton, President
Gold Coast Tech Space
3b/51 Johnston St, Southport, Q 4215
+61 [masked]