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Re: [gctechspace] Recommendation for ADSL1 ISP

From: Vincent B.
Sent on: Monday, 31 March 2014, 10:06 am
I forgot to mention; when you get to the map, at the bottom you need to select your state, then your suburb. Your suburb might not be listed, as this is actually the list of DSLAM.

The next thing for you to do is to double click on the back where you live and you will be able to compare speeds of other people.

On 26 March[masked]:05, Matthew Sherborne <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi fellow nerds,

I'm looking for an ISP again, I'm on ADSL1 8 Mb in my area.

My current ISP signed me up promising ADSL2+, which I assumed would be faster than 8 Mbs .. but it turns out to be ADSL1 ..  and they said, we didn't lie, it's an industry standard ADSL2+ means 'up to' 20 Mbs (ie. it could even be slower).

So anyway. I was thinking to go with Telstra, with the thought that, they'll be closest to the big international pipes, as they pretty much own everything.

Any recommendations for/against Telstra ? or is there some awesome other ISP that doesn't lie as much as the rest in AU ?

Many Thanks,
Matthew Sherborne

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