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New Meetup: cookie on swanston

From: Hans V.
Sent on: Thursday, 29 July 2010, 11:37 am
Breaking News
First of all I've increased the limit to 60 since it seems quite popular. Secondly this night will be a double wamy because Soul a go go will be on that night. So if you want to cut loose and listen to some of the best soul/ funk around just let me know when we meet at the Cookie Bar. It's $10 entry and for more information go to PBS site

The Cookie Bar

What: cookie on swanston

When: Saturday, August 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Cookie Bar
252 Swanston St
Melbourne 3000

Cookie is a long bar, open quite late, which provides huge tables and chairs. It's on the first floor and located in middle of the city. This bar has Italian based offerings and a cocktail bar tucked down the back.

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