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Last male ticket! Dating at the Arthouse in the CBD

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, 8 October 2015, 5:51 pm

*****Last guys tix left!******

Our signature date night is back, this time for a slightly more mature group of fun-loving Sydney singles!

These nights are incredibly fun and friendly. You will get the opportunity to meet your dates and then everyone else in the room.

Buy Tickets HERE

When you arrive you will be prompted to play a game on your smart phone which gets everyone in the room chatting.

After this you will be tightly matched on a series of dates which will last about 15 minutes each. At the end of the night you will have the opportunity to chat with everyone in the room. These nights are really fun as everyone gets a chance to mingle, increasing their chances of a longer-term match from the night.

This night includes unlimited drinks, a round of canapes and dates that match you!

It will be a fantastic night! To book tickets, click here, register a basic profile and make a payment - it's that simple!

*You must have a fully charged smartphone to participate in this event. NB: All female spaces have been sold, there are now only a few male spaces left.

Buy Tickets HERE

The Arthouse, Attic Bar, 275 Pitt Street, CBD When: 
Thursday 8th October, 7pm Cost: 
$89 For Ages: 
43-55 years Includes: 
Unlimited beer and wine, red, white or sparkling 
Matched dates, based on your profile and previous feedback 
Experienced CitySwoon hosts to ensure a fantastic night 
Delicious Canapes 
Fantastic prizes 
Time after your dates to mix with the other daters 
Opportunity after the event to message each other through CitySwoon Places strictly limited