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Joel added a post

From: Joel
Enviado el: jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010, 22:49
Well done to those who ran tonight, aprox. 8.5km in 50 minutes.

Thanks to everyone who turned out to run this year, it's been a great year for the running club, some people have really come a long way (literally) and improved their performance. I hope 2011 will continue to be a success with more runners and events, especially now we have Tuesday's and Thursday's, so there is a night for everyone???. the advanced and the not so advanced ................ so come on folks, I look forward to seeing you all for some fantastic runs next year :-)
Have a great new years eve, I will try and organise a new year???s drink soon........ so have fun and let's look forward to a great sporty 2011.


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