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De qué se trata

Hi and welcome to the Barcelona Casual Runners group!
We are a bunch of sociable runners of all levels who enjoy running in good company. Chatting is an integral part of all our runs but we also sweat a lot! :-)
Our regular 10K runs are held on Mondays at Montjuïc and Tuesdays at the Ciutadella Park.
Apart from the usual runs, we occasionally organize long runs on weekends and organize around races. 
However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't come along if you cannot complete 10K or think you run too slowly. We are more than happy for people to come along and run any distance at any pace. People find fellow runners who share a similar pace, and running with others often results in surprising results.
We do have some regular runners that like to run as far as they can with us then drop off and go, and we have runners that sometimes cut the course to make it shorter. There really is NO pressure whatsoever.
We take a group photo after the run and usually go for a drink. Some come only for the drinks :)
So please, if you're not sure, sign up and come along anyway and try us out! We have not missed a single meetup since the group was founded, come hell or high water. 
We have been mentioned in the local press:
See you soon,
Your Casual Runners

Próximos eventos (4+)

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