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Next Philly WordPress Meetup is Tuesday, March 19!

From: Reed G.
Enviado el: domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019, 15:18

Hi! What is going on with Gutenberg, the WordPress block editor? For that matter...what is Gutenberg, anyway?

Find out at the Philly WordPress Meetup this coming Tuesday, March 19th, when Chris Diehl will spell it all out for you and get you up to date in just one great evening! If you use WordPress, you need to know about this, so sign up (it's free!):

We'll be at 1776, located at 1608 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19107, from 6:30 to 9pm. I have heard that there may be pizza....


We are always looking for members who would like to present - either a "full" talk (30-45 minutes) or a Flash talk. A Flash talk takes just 5 minutes or so and can be on nearly anything WordPress related - a great plugin you have used, how you solved a problem, tips for doing something more efficiently, advice on design or accessibility - pretty much whatever you want to share with the WordPress community. Don't be shy! We're a friendly bunch!

We also want to thank A2Hosting, our sponsors, who provide financial support that helps pay for our venue. If you are looking for a web hosting company, check them out at

Parking: Here are 3 options (there are more, of course.)Cheapest: Realen Gateway Garage, 1540 Spring Street. $7 if you arrive after 5pm.   8 blocks away. (Spring Street is between Race and Vine.)Next:[masked] Arch street. $10 if you arrive after 5pm. About 5 blocks away.Closest: 1616 Sansom. $13 if you arrive after 5pm. About 1.5 blocks away.

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