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Next Philly WordPress Meetup is Tuesday, March 19!

From: Reed G.
Enviado el: miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019, 13:47

Howdy, everyone! Our next thrill-a-minute Meetup is next Tuesday, March 19th, at 1776, located at 1608 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19107. We'll be there from 6:30 to 9pm, and we'll be talking Gutenstuff!

By that, I mean the latest very cool developments happening with the WordPress block editor. It is remarkable how much has been developed and you'll want to keep up! Sign up here:

In just one evening, you'll learn what's going on with the WordPress editor and what is coming. What a deal!


You know, we are always looking for members who would like to present - either a "full" talk (30-45 minutes) or a Flash talk. A Flash talk takes just 5 minutes or so and can be on nearly anything WordPress related - a great plugin you have used, how you solved a problem, tips for doing something more efficiently, advice on design or accessibility - pretty much whatever you want to share with the WordPress community. Don't be shy! We're a friendly bunch!

We also want to thank A2Hosting, our sponsors, who provide financial support that helps pay for our venue. If you are looking for a web hosting company, check them out at

Parking: Here are 3 options (there are more, of course.)Cheapest: Realen Gateway Garage, 1540 Spring Street. $7 if you arrive after 5pm.   8 blocks away. (Spring Street is between Race and Vine.)Next:[masked] Arch street. $10 if you arrive after 5pm. About 5 blocks away.Closest: 1616 Sansom. $13 if you arrive after 5pm. About 1.5 blocks away.

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