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Quantum Barcelona

From: David A.
Enviado el: lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2020, 16:27

our friends at Quantum Barcelona (@bcnQuantum) are doing a kick-off meetup tomorrow:


Introducing Quantum Barcelona!

We are a group of Quantum Computing enthusiasts from different companies who are getting together to build the first and biggest Quantum Computing meetup in the city. This nascent field is growing rapidly. Not just because of the amount of news but also the real developments happening every single week. New companies are being created and more universities are creating Masters or Postgrads on it. It hybridizes nicely with all things data science, high performance computing and of course, Python (since most of our frameworks and libraries come from this world).

Our community has scientists and researchers. Physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists, business people and those who come from the "classical" computer engineering industry. And the mix of the three makes it beautiful to discover algorithms or just play and tinker with qubits.

To get into Quantum Computing now you don't need a PhD in theoretical physics (although it helps!). Nowadays you can do with a solid base of Python and lots of curiosity. We are convinced we are building a huge revolution for the coming years. Years ago it was just smoke and mirrors, but today, today is more real than ever! (although we are still a few years behind proper, large scale applications).

If you are interested in knowing more, and hanging out with this crew, we would like to invite all Pythonists in the group to join us for a beer. We will have a slow ramp up in the field. Starting with the basics and ending with fully fledged python-based circuits. 

Looking forward to meet all the Quantum enthusiasts in Barcelona!