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SHOP GARMENT DISTRICT: Our first LIMITED EDITION design launched today!

From: Brian H.
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2013, 11:55 AM

Greetings Fashion Arizona Member, we are excited to announce the launch of a new e-commerce idea that could INCLUDE your brand in the future.  Read below & get involved! -Brian

SHOP GARMENT DISTRICT: Our first LIMITED EDITION design from our vintage ‘ROCKS’ collection. This design comes in white for women, crew neck, cap sleeve, super soft burnout fabric. For Men, 100% cotton, crew neck, short sleeve. This colorful guitar and ‘Fashion Rocks MIM’ design is for the inner ‘Rocker’ in you.

HOW TO PURCHASE? Only (15) LIMITED EDITION tees. ‘Like’ this post and comment with your e-mail address, your desired size, gender, and quantity. If you are one of the first to ‘Like’ & comment you may ‘WIN’ the chance to purchase one of these tees. When they are gone, they’re gone! Price : $25

WHO? -Models: Kimmy & Nico –Photographer: Tom Marquis –Style: Abbei, Dominique, KeiFei




IMPORTANT: We are still looking for (2-3) more Vendors for our Jan. 11th Meet-Up at

Who Should be a Vendor? Apparel & Accessory Designers, Photographers, Stylists, Modeling Agencies, and more...

Interested? Contact: [address removed]  

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