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New Event: BARBARA KINGSOLVER; Talk & reception

From: Steve Gluck § (.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 2, 2007, 7:48 PM
Announcing a new event for The Cambridge Moveable Feast!

What: BARBARA KINGSOLVER; Talk & Reception

When: Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 PM

Event fee: USD85.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: BARBARA KINGSOLVER, with Steven L. Hopp and Camille Kingsolver, in a discussion of her first work of non-fiction; "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle"

Harvard Book Store is excited to welcome bestselling author Barbara Kingsolver and her family in a discussion will open your eyes in a hundred new ways to an old truth: You are what you eat.

With characteristic poetry and pluck, Barbara Kingsolver and her family sweep readers along on their journey away from the industrial-food pipeline to a rural life in which they vow to buy only food raised in their own neighborhood, grow it themselves, or learn to live without it. Their good-humored search yields surprising discoveries about turkey sex life and overly zealous zucchini plants, en route to a food culture that's better for the neighborhood and also better on the table.

Part memoir, part journalistic investigation, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle makes a passionate case for putting the kitchen back at the center of family life and diversified farms at the center of the American diet. Barbara Kingsolver writes with the knowledge of a journlist and the lyrical passion of a novelist. This is the perfect book to read at the start of the growing season.

Tickets are required for this event. Tickets to the book talk alone are $5. You can also upgrade your ticket for a whole evening with the authors! For $85, you'll receive special reserved seating at the 6 p.m. talk, a copy of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and an invitation to a reception at the Up Stairs on the Square Restaurant, where you'll be served delicious locally-produced savory and sweet treats, and sip on organic wines from New England orchards. You'll also be able to chat with Barbara Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp, and Camille Kingsolver as you get your book signed, and learn more about New England farming with local farmers and guests from Farm Aid. Tickets for the reception are limited, so please call the store at[masked] to reserve your space.

Both $5 tickets (for talk alone) and $85 tickets (for reserved seating at talk, a copy of the book, and an invitation to the reception) are available at Harvard Book Store and over the phone at[masked].

Learn more here: