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Another Loss for New Orleans Film Industry, Frank Lee Wills, Jr.

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Saturday, May 12, 2012, 10:48 AM

Former Tulane and De La Salle standout and Major League pitcher Frank Wills was found dead Friday in his apartment in New Orleans. Wills, 53, worked for Carey Limousine and did not show up for work Friday morning, according to his sister, Katie.

Frank's Facebook:!/frank.l.wills

frank_wills.jpgFrank Wills Played in the major leagues with four teams

When repeated attempts to contact him by phone were unsuccessful, his employer went to the manager of the apartment to check on Wills, who was discovered on his bed.

Katie Wills said Friday there was nothing "definitive yet" on the cause of her brother's death, but he had complained a week earlier of not feeling well. "He said he had a pain in his arm and a little fever," Katie Wills said.

Frank Wills was a multisport athlete at De La Salle, where he played football, basketball and baseball. He helped guide the Cavaliers to the state baseball championship in 1977 and was selected the championship game's MVP.

At Tulane, Wills was a punter for the football team and an ace pitcher for the baseball team. He was selected first-team Sporting News Collegiate All-American in 1980 and subsequently picked 16th overall by the Kansas City Royals in the first round of the 1980 Major League draft.

Wills made his Major League debut for the Royals in 1983 and also played for the Seattle Mariners, Cleveland Indians and Toronto Blue Jays before retiring in 1991.

Wills is member of the De La Salle Hall of Fame, Tulane Hall of Fame and the New Orleans Professional Baseball Hall of Fame.

Katie Wills said funeral arrangements have not been determined