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Certain night you can't make it for Xmas Carols?

From: Rick M.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:48 AM
Greetings Best Folkies in the World,

I've gotten clearance from the building's management to hold an off-schedule sing/jam one evening in December instead of Saturday afternoon. No candles, though, unfortunately. I was hoping we could add some extra atmosphere.

Anyway, please let me know within the next couple of days if there is a particular evening you cannot make it. I plan to send out a poll soon to determine the evening between December 12 and December 20 most people would be able to attend.

But in the meantime, if you're planning to attend, let me know if any of those nights is impossible for you and I'll do what I can to eliminate that choice. For instance, one person already told me December 19 is impossible, so I won't list that as a candidate.

Thanks for helping us out in this regard and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, or at least the kind of Thanksgiving you want to have.

Keep on singing and jamming,

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