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*****Calgary French Rendez-Vous.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 1:10 AM

Hello, everyone.

Please read at least as far as the fourth line.  Thank you.

In this message:
-Meeting dates and venues.
-A half a century of Kichiji.
-Please suggest venues.

There are five meetings in the near future.  The first will take place Tomorrow,
Wednesday, April 9th, at 7:00pm, at Nanta Karaoke and Bar, 512 6th St SW.  The second will take place on
Monday, April 14th, at 7:00pm, at Sunterra Keynote Market,[masked]th Av SE.  The third will take place on
Sunday, April 20th, at 12:30pm, at Yamato Dessert Cafe, 1322 Centre St NE.  The fourth will take place on
Saturday, May 3rd, at 7:30pm, at Nanta Karaoke and Bar, 512 6th St SW.  The fifth will take place on
Sunday, May 4th, at 12:30pm, at Yamato Dessert Cafe, 1322 Centre St NE.

These are 1, 6, 12, 25, and 26 days from now.

Please go now and reply.

The event on May 3rd is a celebration of my completing half a century continuously from the date of my birth without dying.

We could help me by suggesting a location that is open later than
9:00pm.  If you have a favourite place, please share it with me.

