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Re: [furries-290] Moving

From: sackraptor
Sent on: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 9:49 PM
Ooh a Washington newbie, who gets to bring him to dicks?

On Thursday, August 11, 2011, kawakoi <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am pretty new to this group but I have a question for you all, but first the back story. Currently my bf and I live in San Diego, CA and we will be moving to WA on the 21st of September. He's going back to his parent's house and I have no idea where I'm going. Now the question, is anyone renting or thinking about renting out a room at their place? This would be temporary, a few months. Pretty much until he finds a decent job, which should be relatively easy because he's ex-military. As far as rent goes 350 would be ideal, but i can go as high as 400 with some sacrifices. 
> As for me, I'm a pretty quiet guy around new people. I love to cook, a plus for those that do not, and I keep pretty tidy. I'm not bringing much with me, pretty much just clothes and either my laptop or desktop.
> Washington is completely foreign to me, I've been a SoCal guy my whole life, so I come with no baggage lol. No friends, no family. So hopefully I can find some place cool to reside in for a few months. If anyone would like to contact me, you can email me at this email: [address removed]
> I apologize for the notorious wall of text and thank you all greatly for you time and hope to hear back.
> From the Wacky Wackal,
> Kawa
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