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Re: [furries-290] Looking for a Room to rent

From: 8008man2
Sent on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 1:58 PM
When are you looking to move down here Chris? I too am looking to hopefully move out soon, if you want to you can email me privately at [address removed].

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris <[address removed]>
To: furries-290 <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Mar 23,[masked]:10 am
Subject: [furries-290] Looking for a Room to rent

Let me start off by apologizing to anyone that might be offended by me using the mailing list this way. I wouldn't do so if I hadn't tried other methods.

My name is Chis and I’m a fur from Florida. I moved to Canada about 4 months ago to live with my fiancé but, well… things haven't worked out… I want to move into Washington state so that I can still be close though. So I’m looking for anyone that might have a room to rent. I don't have much cash to get started. My first priority is finding a job. I have a vehicle… And probably my only hangup is that I have a male German Shepherd that I would like to keep with me… I know that this limits my options but… well, it cant be helped… I can also cook and clean to make ends meet until financials  are settled…

Thank you for reading and if you know someone that can help, please let me know.

Chris (LostPuppy)

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