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Re: FW: RE: Re: [transhumanism-14] Re: transhumanism VS intergralism

From: Devon
Sent on: Monday, September 8, 2008, 4:36 PM

I just wanted to introduce myself.  my name is Devon fowler and I've been interested in Transhumanism for 7 or so years now.  I'm particularly interested in getting through this phase to the post human phase where we can really let loose and live the way humans were meant to live.  I'm also very interested in Immortalism and plan to live forever if I can help it.  I'm new to this group and don't remember signing on how did you guys get my email?  I would also welcome further comments from people especially pertaining to meeting new people.
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 4:32 PM, postjam <[address removed]> wrote:
so perry im curious how you're working towards upgrade, is it physical fitness, supplementation, caloric restriction for longevity, do you wear screen display glasses? are your pockets filled with iphones and tomtoms and kindles? or maybe youre working in some ai field or cognitive/computer science, that i'd be very interested in, howabout it? and for me, i'm an interested artist. -j

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Perry Metzger <[address removed]> wrote:

Luis <[address removed]> writes:
> LOL. Isn't that why we're all here, waiting for substrate upgrades?

I'm not waiting. I'm working.


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